Kenan Thompson and Kel Mitchell are back together for “Good Burger 2,” the sequel to their beloved 1997 teen comedy. The duo got their big start on Nickelodeon with the hugely popular kid’s sketch comedy show, “All That,” before getting their on spinoff, “Kenan & Kel.” (Nov. 21) (AP Production by Gary Gerard Hamilton)
Kenan Thompson, Kel Mitchell reunite for ‘Good Burger 2'
Kenan Thompson and Kel Mitchell are back together for “Good Burger 2,” the sequel to their beloved 1997 teen comedy. The duo got their big start on Nickelodeon with the hugely popular kid’s sketch comedy show, “All That,” before getting their on spinoff, “Kenan & Kel.” (Nov. 21) (AP Production by Gary Gerard Hamilton)